Hello beautiful people. Just wanted to say hello, and see how everyone is doing out here! I am sending you all some love! Hold your head up, and keep going. I just want to leave you with this…. To my intelligent Peers, here’s a few talking points specifically to my fellow Journalist, and all media responsible peers…. Let’s get serious, because there is a whole generation uninformed about how our Government works on the following branches… So here you go for your talking points…Do your own research….
(1) How the senate works. (2) How the House of Representatives work. (3) How Congress works. (4) How the Supreme Court works. (5) The importance of voting in your local neighborhood elections. (Voting in Judges, Mayors, Governors, etc, etc.) Speak on the different branches in our government, and what each branch is responsible for. ( The 3 types: Legislative branch, Executive branch, and the Judicial branch. )
Speak on how our laws are made. Speak on how bills are passed. Talk about teaching that in your home with your kids, and get back on track teaching this in the schools…WE NEED MORE MENTORS! WE NEED MORE LEADERS! Let me see you all talk about something different, everybody got a phone in your hand, use it to do research read about topics that will help you…Until Next time.. Stay Sucka Free… Love Mec xoxo #VoiceOfTheUNDERDOGS… #SHARONDABAKER #MECCAGLOBAL #FRECKLEFACEMEC